The Reading List This Naturally Sweet Life: The Reading List

The Reading List

I'm a book addict.  I love to read and can lose myself in books for hours.  I am currently divulging deep into the world of nutrition and whole food eating and have come across some amazing books that may help you on a journey towards healthier desserts and whole foods.  I recommend:

In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
This book is a great place to start if you are just learning about whole food eating and cutting out processed food from your family's diet.  Pollan points out that we no longer eat food, but food like products.  

Pure, White and Deadly by John Yudkin
John Yudkin was well before his time in his belief that sugar is the problem behind our modern-day obesity crisis and the healthiest diet is that of fresh foods with everything in moderation.  Published in 1972, Yudkin's book was not well accepted by his colleagues and it was eventually squashed for his revolutionary ideas.  This is a very good introduction into why sugar is toxic. 

What to Eat by Marion Nestle
Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York University, divulges into the supermarket shelves telling us what to eat and why.  Written from an American perspective, it's a good starting place if you're just starting to explore what's on our supermarket shelves.

The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan
This book follows the story of three meals, in search of the perfect one.  From a fast food restaurant to a fully organic, homegrown meal, this book will challenge what you know about the food that you eat.

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