Honey Vanilla Granola -- Refined Sugar and Wheat Free | This Naturally Sweet Life: Honey Vanilla Granola -- Refined Sugar and Wheat Free

Sunday 31 August 2014

Honey Vanilla Granola -- Refined Sugar and Wheat Free

I've lived in Australia for 12 years, and have always assumed that muesli is the Aussie word for granola.  I just discovered I'm wrong!  They are in fact two very different things, although they appear very similar.  Muesli was developed by a Swiss man and contains raw oats and is never cooked.  Granola is mainly an American invention, and is toasted with a fat and a sweetener.  Granola is commonly sold under the name toasted muesli in Australia.  So, my previously intended recipe "Honey Vanilla Muesli" is now appropriately named "Honey Vanilla Granola."

Now that we've learned something, I have a question: have you recently checked the ingredients in muesli or granola in the supermarket?  Most contain some kind of refined sweetener, such as High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), white sugar, brown sugar, glucose syrup, or golden syrup to name a few.  Not only that, they contain a bunch of additives.  One American brand I checked contained glycerin, nonfat milk powder, whey protein concentrate and natural flavours.  An Aussie brand contained preservatives and nature identical flavour.  Um, what is that?  Nature identical flavour?  Can't they just use the real thing?

It seems to me that considering how easy it is to make your own, there's no reason to ever purchase granola again!  This tasty, crunchy breakfast cereal is slightly sweet and very satisfying.  It will take you 10 minutes to mix the ingredients and 45 minutes in the oven, but it's so effortless you'll never return to store bought!

I eat this most mornings with yogurt and a drizzle of honey.  Breakfast at my house is promptly 7:30am before we rush out the door, and this Honey Vanilla Granola fills me up until I eat at lunchtime.  It's easy, simple, healthy and the definition of wholefood.  No nasties, no processed cereals, no refined sugars, and much less expensive than the mueslis or granolas purchased off the supermarket shelves.

Start by pouring 4 cups oats in a large bowl.  Add 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, 1/2 cup pepitas (pumpkin seeds), 1/2 cup linseed (flaxseed) or LSA (linseed, sunflower and almond meal), and 2 cups chopped nuts of choice (I like pecans and almonds, but the choices are endless: macadamias, hazelnuts, cashews).  Set the bowl aside.

In a small saucepan, melt 1/4 cup butter over low heat.  When melted, add 1/2 cup honey and 1 teaspoon vanilla and stir until well mixed.

Pour over the oat mixture and stir until well coated.  Pour into a greased roasting pan and put in a 160 degree Celsius (320 degree Fahrenheit) oven. 

Bake for 45 minutes (or until golden brown), stirring every 15 minutes.  Don't forget to set the timer to remind you to stir!! 

Take out of the oven and pour onto baking paper to cool.  Break up any large pieces.  The granola should be a golden brown and crisp and crunchy.  If you would prefer a fruity versions, you can add 2 cups of dried fruit such as sultanas or naturally sweetened cranberries when the granola comes out of the oven.

When completely cool, store in an airtight container for up to two weeks, if it lasts that long!!

It's that simple!  Enjoy!

Honey Vanilla Granola

Refined Sugar and Wheat Free
Makes 15 1/2 cup servings
printable recipe

1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
1/2 cup linseed (flaxseed) or LSA (linseed, sunflower and almond meal)
2 cups nuts (almonds, pecans, hazelnuts, cashews), roughtly chopped
Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius (320 degrees Fahrenheit).  In a large bowl, mix together the oats, seeds, nuts and linseed. Set aside.

In a small saucepan, melt butter.  Add honey and vanilla and stir until combined.  Pour over the oat mixture and stir until well coated.

Pour into a greased roasting pan.  Bake for 45 minutes (or until golden brown), stirring every 15 minutes.  Remove from oven (Add 2 cups of dried fruit of choice to make fruit granola) and spread on baking paper.  When completely cool, break apart any big pieces and store in an airtight container for up to two weeks.


  1. Thanks for this recipe - it sounds fantastic! I wonder if you could cook this in a frying pan instead of the oven?

    1. It's definitely worth a shot! I think you may have to increase the fat (oil or butter) to get it to brown. If you decide to try it, let me know if it works!
