Vanilla Cinnamon Poached Pears -- Gluten and Refined Sugar Free | This Naturally Sweet Life: Vanilla Cinnamon Poached Pears -- Gluten and Refined Sugar Free

Sunday 7 September 2014

Vanilla Cinnamon Poached Pears -- Gluten and Refined Sugar Free

Want a dessert that's tantalizing enough to serve at a dinner party, but simple enough that you can make it as a weeknight dessert for the kids?  These beautiful Vanilla Cinnamon Poached Pears are it!

Poached Pears are one of the simplest desserts, but also one of the most sophisticated.  They are beautiful, rich, and impressive, but so easy to make and you probably already have the ingredients in your kitchen!  With simple and wholesome ingredients that are also good for you, you'll never feel guilty indulging!!

These Vanilla Cinnamon Poached Pears are so rich and sweet, you'll never miss the sugar.  In fact, my mother-in-law, who has the biggest sweet tooth I know, told me this is the best refined sugar free recipe I've ever made!  Ever!  And she didn't even miss the sugar!!  (She's been know to pour sugar over my refined sugar free recipes to make them sweeter.)

Start by selecting 6 firm pears.  I choose Bosc pears (brown skinned pears) because they are sweet, crisp and firm.  They're a good choice for poaching because they keep their shape and don't turn to mush when cooked.  Peel the pears and quarter, ensuring all seeds are removed.

You could also choose to keep the pears whole if presentation is important.  I tend to make this dish for my kids, they care far more about taste than looks, and I'm usually more concerned about time then presentation.  If you choose to keep the pear whole, it will at least double the poaching time.

Next, mix 1/2 cup honey, 4 cups water, 1 vanilla bean pod, spilt, and 3 cinnamon quills in a large saucepan (mine is 6 litres).  Bring to a boil.

When just boiling, reduce heat to low and carefully add the pears.  Simmer for 10-15 minutes or until the pears are soft, but not mushy.

Can you see the beautiful vanilla bean infusing with honey?

When the pears are ready, use a large slotted spoon to remove from the honey syrup.  Place on a plate to cool slightly, and turn the heat up to high.  Boil the honey and spices for another 5-10 minutes or until the syrup has thickened, stirring frequently.

Divide the pear between six dessert plates and spoon desired amount of syrup over the top.  If desired, whip fresh cream with pure vanilla essence and serve on the side.

Easy, simple, wholesome!  Vanilla Cinnamon Poached Pears!

Vanilla Cinnamon Poached Pears
Gluten and Refined Sugar Free
Serves 6


6 Bosc pears, peeled, quartered and cored
1/2 cup honey
4 cups water
1 vanilla bean pod, spilt
3 cinnamon quills
Cream, to serve (optional)


Wash and peel the pears, and quarter, ensuring all seeds are removed.  In a large saucepan, mix honey, water, vanilla bean pod, spilt, and cinnamon quills.  Bring to a boil.  When just boiling, reduce heat to low and add the pears.  Simmer for 10-15 minutes or until pears are soft, but not mushy.

Remove the pears from the honey syrup using a slotted spoon and place on a plate to cool slightly.  Turn the heat to high and bring the syrup to a boil again.  Boil for 5-10 minutes or until thick. 

Divide the pears between six dessert plates and pour over desired amount of syrup.  If desired, whip fresh cream with 1 teaspoon vanilla essence and serve the pears with a dollop of the cream.

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