Eight Tips for Cutting Down on Your Sugar Intake | This Naturally Sweet Life: Eight Tips for Cutting Down on Your Sugar Intake

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Eight Tips for Cutting Down on Your Sugar Intake

The series How Our Family Went Refined Sugar Free, detailing how my family quit eating refined sugar, has officially finished. Have you read the series? What do you think? Does the idea of cutting out refined sugar feel overwhelming? But you agree you consume too much and need to make some changes? 

For some people, the idea of never eating refined sugar again is unimaginable. It feels like too much effort. Two years ago, I would never have dreamed I would reach a point where I'd no longer eat any refined sugar. Removing refined sugar from my diet didn't happen overnight. It took over a year of small changes, baby steps and lots of failures.

Like me, some people find taking small steps more manageable.  Making little changes feels a lot less overwhelming and more doable on a day to day basis. 

Here are some tips for helping you cut your sugar intake:

Read.  Research.
Find blogs that give advice and tips on wholefoods and refined sugar free living.  For a great list of books, click here.  Some great blogs are:

Start slow.  Make some baby steps.
Choosing to make one or two small steps a week and slowly work towards bigger goals can be simpler than making a choice to never eat sugar again.  Try one of these baby steps:
  • Do you take two sugars in your coffee?  Try one.  
  • Do you love jam?  Switch to a refined sugar free one, like these.  
  • Do you love yogurt?  Switch to natural or Greek yogurt and sweeten it with a bit of honey and fruit instead.  
  • Do you love sweetened breakfast cereal?  Try puffed corn or rice with honey instead.
  • Do you drink soft drink?  Swap one a day for water with lemon.

Learn to read the ingredients list.
Whenever you purchase something from the grocery store, always read the ingredients and know what's in the product.  Chances are it contains a lot more junk and sugar than you realized.  Get to know the products that are naturally sweetened and keep a few around so when tempted by a sugar craving, you have another choice.  Check out this list: Naturally Sweet Products I Love.

Honey Vanilla Puffed Corn
Experiment in the kitchen.
Find some refined sugar free recipes that appeal to you and your family and start cooking.  Find ones that you love and start swapping them out for ones containing refined sugar.  An easy one to try is Honey Vanilla Puffed Corn.  No one will notice it's refined sugar free!

Purchase kitchen gear that will help you.
Most refined sugar free snacks and desserts have to be made from scratch, so having the right gear makes it easier.  I recommend having a good quality food processor (or access to one - ask a family member or friend).

Be prepared.
Carry unsweetened dried fruit and nuts, or other healthy snacks in your handbag so if you get hungry you're not tempted to stray.   I have yet to find a cafe that serves anything (muffins, cakes, slices) that are naturally sweetened.  To solve this, I sometimes carry small pieces of cake or a carob bear in my handbag to help get me through.  The longer I have been refined sugar free, the less this has been necessary.  I don't crave the sweets with coffee anymore.

Stock the right ingredients.
I always have maple syrup, honey and dates (dried and medjool) in my pantry.  When I have a sweet craving, I know I can make something to satisfy me instead of being tempted to purchase something with refined sugar.

Remember, it's a process.
Small changes over time add up and the more you eat naturally sweet food the less you'll crave refined sugars.  

So, what do you think?  Will you be making small changes or taking the plunge to a refined sugar free life?  

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